How to Cope With the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

People with bipolar disorder can have highs and lows that come in waves. Sometimes the episodes last for weeks or months, while others go on for only a few hours. Often, mood changes are so severe that they disrupt daily life. People with bipolar disorder can also be...

Bipolar Disorder Treatment at NYU Langone

Successful treatment of bipolar disorder usually requires a combination of therapies and medications. Having people in your life who support you and watch out for warning signs is also important. It’s a good idea to find a support group where you can share your...

Bipolar Medications and Psychotherapy

Many people with bipolar disorder find that their symptoms respond well to medications. These drugs won’t cure your illness, but they can keep your moods in balance so you can get more done each day. They’re like a pair of glasses that give you clear vision when your...

Bipolar Disorder – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

If you’re bipolar, you experience extreme high and low moods that affect your thinking, behavior and energy. You may also have problems with sleep and your relationships. These changes can make it hard to get along with others or succeed at work and school....

Manic Depression – What is It?

Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, causes mood swings that include periods of elation (mania or hypomania) and feelings of hopelessness and sadness or low energy (depression). These episodes affect sleep, activity levels, judgment, and the ability to...