Types of Bipolar Disorder

There are many types of bipolar disorder, with different people experiencing different symptoms. But most people with bipolar disorder experience episodes of high energy, or mania, and low mood, or depression. These episodes can be very intense, and sometimes people...

Treatments For Bipolar Disorder

People with bipolar disorder have episodes of depression and mania. During depressive episodes they feel sad or low, and during mania they have high energy and feelings of euphoria or excitement. Their symptoms affect how they think, act and work. The condition can be...

Symptoms of Mental Disorders

Mental health disorders impact a person’s emotions, thoughts and behavior. They can cause people to feel different and make it hard for them to work or study, or even relate to others. Often, early signs of mental illness are physical, such as stomach pain, back...

Bipolar Treatment

In general, bipolar treatment includes psychotherapy (sometimes called talk therapy) and mood-stabilizing medication. In addition, it’s important to avoid drugs and alcohol because they can trigger or worsen mood symptoms. It’s also helpful to get enough...

What You Should Know About Bipolar Symptoms

If you or someone you know has bipolar symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor. It’s also important to understand what you can do to get better. Bipolar disorder involves cycles of highs and lows (mania and depression). People with the condition may...